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My lips started at her neck and very slowly worked south to the nipples. I played with her nipples with my tongue and was pleased by her response. I lightly nibbled on them which brought more moans of delight. After what seemed a long time I continued my south bound licking. I stopped short of the hair line as I didn’t want to go too quickly. After all I wanted to enjoy this fine body too. I licked and kissed the inner thighs listening to her responses which were turning me on as well. I turn. Memories of seeing Kim bend her leg up and touch her head made me begin to get aroused. The teenager had definitely been coming onto me and I was certain that I would get lucky with her. My cock was getting hard and I couldn't wait to fuck her.Why wait? my alcohol muddled brain asked. She's in the room across the hall, so go in there and screw her. Can't, I silently replied to the voice in my head, Stacy is in there too. So be quiet, blockhead! She's asleep on the camp bed that Mum and Dad. Besides, I can't wait to hear how you lost yours. I was seventeen and it was spring break..." Not now," I stopped her. "We can wait until we're in bed and its dark if you like."She laughed and chided me. "You've already chickening out, haven't you? Does being in the dark give you courage?" Being in the dark is only part of it. I'm looking forward to being in bed with you. This is the maid's day to do laundry so the sheets will be clean and..."Patti was holding her hand in the air. I got the. “OK Sweetie, you never tell me to go play golf, so I’ll do it for you,” I laughed. “I’ll go get my clubs from the garage.” Karen could never play poker. Her emotions were telegraphed by her facial features. I saw extreme agitation replaced by relief in the fraction of a second. I knew something was going on, but I wasn’t going to get it out of her by cross examination now. She would just get pissed and I don’t need that right now. I looked at my watch and noted it was twenty of nine. If I get.
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