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Only then did I hear the screaming, AIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE&hellip, STOP!! IT HURTS! OH, GOD, DADDY&hellip, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? Yeah, you fucking little tease. Youre Goddamn right it hurts, I screamed back at her as the voice on the video said, again, Ive only been fucked four times, but I love it. Although I knew I had just busted her cherry, I said, Youve been fucked four times, already. It shouldnt hurt anymore. But Im gonna fuck you all night and all weekend. Youre going to learn to. Einsteinian physics needs an addendum. The world needs to know about this.”C: “As long as you don’t mention how you did it ... Just what the results are. And you can mention that you’ll be glad to meet with anyone who can produce near-light particle acceleration. I’d like to listen in on those meetings, if any take place. But the theoretical guys? No problem. I don’t have to tell you to make sure it’s repeatable ... Um ... then I’m going to want to scale it up to continent-wide production. My door is open, so you come right in and make your way over to my desk. I am finishing up some grading so I don't notice it's you until I feel you put your arms around me. We kiss. It's sexy and sweet, but quick. You rub my shoulders while I finish, and when I get up to put things away, you sit down on the desk and cross your legs. When I sit back down I notice you're wearing a skirt, and your legs look, as always, incredibly sexy. I still have a few things to do, but your legs are distracting. I’m so touched that you remembered my birthday and reached out. I’m a little giddy that you remembered my birthday even after leaving the office. I keep trying out replies. The new guy is such an asshole. No, too bitchy.The new guy sucks compared to you. Too kiss assI wish you were still my boss. Too formal I want you back here so bad. Too needyI wish you were still my boss. That’s probably good but not what I really want to say…I wish you were still working next to me. Still okay but.
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