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I hopped out and grabbed my phone from my car. "No, I live just down the street, I have some stuff to drink. I promise it wouldn't be a problem." Jenn said.I thought about it, was she coming on to me? I don't think she was. I think she is just a really nice lady. so I said, "ok." We get to her house and I sit down and she grabbed me a beer, the same type I had ordered at the restaurant. I asked to use the restroom. She said she had a plumbing issue with the toilet so I would need to use the one. ‘Be quick.”She did as she was told and her pink nipples rose and hardened.“Call Ahmad,” said the man, licking his lips. He picked up the other passport, read, pursed his lips, and said, “Pamela, hm? Aren’t you pretty.” He laughed. “Take off your shirt, Pamela, be quick or they will cut it off.”The lean blonde girl unbuttoned her khaki shirt, trying not to look at her sister’s jutting breasts, the breasts she so much envied, the breasts she had licked and kissed and sucked many times.“Ah Ahmad,”. By now I was getting really excited. I could hear mumblings as somehow my hearing seem to have got worse and I don't know why. I felt my balls being tied and then the rope was attached to a ratchet pully beneath me and tighten up. I thought that they were going to be pulled of under the tension. My guts had that horrible feel just like when you are punched or kicked in the balls Then there was a sudden sharp thwack across my arse followed by more until I was squirming somwhat under the. The guy fucked the girl a long time then he pulled his cock out and the girl licked it and also his balls and he then bent her over again and this time every one gasped as he rammed that huge cock into her asshole and buried it there and started the hard fucking once more tipping the girl almost off her feet as he rammed her hole. It was amazing the girl could stand a dick that size and in her tight ass. He ass fucked her for almost 45 minutes before he pulled his cock out showed her asshole.
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